Controlling the Databricks Resource Group Name

When you create a Databricks workspace using the Azure portal you obviously specify the Resource Group to create it in. But in the background a second resource group is created, this is known as the managed resource group - it is created with an almost random name. This is a pain if you have naming conventions or standards to adhere to. The managed resource group is used for networking of your clusters and for providing the DBFS storage account. [Read More]

ADFv2 - Testing Linked Services

Azure Data Factory v2 Linked Services Testing If you are deploying lots of Linked Services to an environment it would be nice to run a test that proves they connect successfully. This can validate many things, including: * Key Vault Secrets have also been deployed * Permissions applied to your secrets * Integration Runtime is up and working * Firewall ports opened * User Permissions deployed PowerShell PowerShell and the Azure REST API to the rescue. [Read More]

PowerShell and Azure REST API Authentication

Sometimes you find that the Azure PowerShell commandlets do not offer all of the functionality of the REST API/Portal. In these cases you can fall back to the REST API which can be called from PowerShell of course. The first thing you always need to do is authenticate. These scripts will authenticate using a service principle so that they can be used in non-interactive mode. Details of how to create a service principle can be found here: https://docs. [Read More]